Angkor Hospital for Children
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Organization Description:
Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) is a Non-profit pediatric teaching hospital that provides free, quality health care to low-income children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Since 1999, AHC has provided over 1,000,000 medical treatments, education to thousands of Cambodian health workers and prevention training to hundreds of families. The hospital offers inpatient and outpatient care, surgical services (including heart-surgery), ER, intensive care treatment, dental care, ophthalmologic services and antiretroviral HIV therapy to over 150,000 children each year. AHC also has a pharmacy, physiotherapy and radiology services, a medical laboratory, and a social work program. In order to prevent illnesses before they become severe, AHC operates a mobile health clinic that provides essential health education to very poor families in the remote villages throughout the province, as well as home care to rural victims of the AIDS epidemic, and comprehensive medical services to the children of eight local orphanages.
Cause/Issue Areas:
Health & Medicine, Children & Youth
Skilled Volunteer Project Description:
Fund Development Plans: develop a strategy for Cambodians living in the US to support AHC through their American-based 501(c)3 charitable organization Friends Without A Border (
Expand upon sustainable tourism projects (i.e., leveraging the robust tourism sector and high volume of wealthy tourists that pass through Siem Riep each year to see the temples)
Consulting Project Deliverable(s): Fundraising plan, prospect research chart
Desired Skills:
Fundraising strategy, planning, research, writing
AHC was founded in 1998 by internationally acclaimed photographer Kenro Izu, after he saw the tremendous unmet healthcare needs of Cambodian children while photographing the beautiful Angkor Wat temples. Each year thousands of wealthy tourists stream through the Cambodian city of Siem Riep to see the temples, which are designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In 2005 SEVA Traveler founder Morry Hermon did his first pro bono consulting project with the Cambodian staff of AHC, leveraging the immense tourist wealth to support the hospital (see Angkor Hospital for Children Sustainable Tourism Program as background). He has continued to support the organization on its fundraising journey since. The next SEVA Traveler who visits will build on the long-term relationship to tap into potential donors in the Cambodian diaspora.