How It Works
Find a Nonprofit To Work With
Check out our available projects; if it’s a good fit apply to volunteer with SEVA Travelers.
If not work with another organization like MovingWorlds, or find your own nonprofit and project with our support (see Resources for tips and suggestions)
Connect with the Organization
Set up a scoping meeting with the prospective client organization and discuss the potential client (via Zoom or WhatsApp video).
If it’s a good fit for you and the NGO, and you have identified a pro bono consulting project that would be helpful to the nonprofit
Create a Scope of Work (SOW)
Outline the project activities, deliverables, and timeline for completing the work.
Make sure you got it right by sharing the draft SOW with the client, and create a simple pro bono agreement
Visit Country /Support NGO
Conduct the pro bono consulting project on-site. Meet with the NGO’s leadership, visit the field sites and see their programs in action.
Usually five days to a week is a good amount of time to get to know your host organization and collect the information necessary to complete the deliverable
Produce Quality Deliverable
Once you return home you can spend more time working on the product for the client (e.g. the fundraising plan, marketing strategy, website, grant proposal template, etc.)
Build the organization’s capacity and make an impact while traveling abroad!