Norbulingka Institute of Tibetan Culture

Location: Dharamshala, India

Organization Description:

The Norbulingka Institute is dedicated to preserving Tibetan culture, specifically in the area of the arts. The institute focuses on reviving Tibetan artistic traditions like thangka painting, wood carving, statue making, and appliqué, while also adapting some crafts for modern contexts. The institute trains artisans and supports them through employment. Income is then generated through the sale of handcrafted products which allows the institute to provide social programs including healthcare and childcare to the community. 

Cause/Issue Area:

  • Preserving artistry and culture

Skilled Volunteer Project Description:

  • Research funding prospects (foundations and corporates), Develop a fundraising plan, create a grant proposal template

Desired Skills:

  • Fundraising strategy, planning, research, writing


From the Founder, Morry Hermon: In January 2024 I spent a week at Norbulingka Institute assisting with their fundraising strategy, and in exchange for my pro bono consulting services, I stayed in their wonderful hotel (Norling House) and ate most of my meals at their restaurant. I also immersed myself in the Tibetan cultural activities, with tours of all of their programs, and even took a course in Tibetan thangka painting. It was wonderful. Norbulingka has tremendous potential to tap into the thousands of visitors who come each year.


Parijat Academy